[Ansteorra] More Bordermarchers that are safe

Karen ophelialarue at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 25 20:45:29 PDT 2005

Hello all,
Lord Vincois and Lady Ophelia  and Anna Marie MKA Vincent and Karen Picou and Angelique Ladd are safe in Fort Worth we got word from a neughbor who stayed our home is fine we are staying here because there still is no power or water in Beaumont and right now we would just get in the way of them getting Beaumont and the golden triangle area back up and running. This is the time where we just need to stay away so they can do their jobs. I have heard alot of wonderful thoughts and offers on this and many other lists. Thank you,,, I know that many of Bordermarch will need some kind of help whether it be some one to talk to about all of this or someone to help clean up or repair their homes. I know it will be done I have seen the wonderful offers that have been made.  Thank you all again for you wonderful thoughts and I hope that it will be a quick recovery for us all.
Vincent and Karen Picou

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