[Ansteorra] Congratulations to TRH Sir Aaron and Sir Britta

Skye Dreamsinger skyeds at tex1.net
Thu Apr 6 15:42:32 PDT 2006

Arthur Pendragon, Tyranno-Macaw Rex of the Clan MacAwww, wishes to offer Their Royal Highnesses, Sir Aaron and Sir Britta, Congratulations upon Sir Aaron's victory at Crown Tournament.

Arthur has always been very taken with and very fond of Sir Aaron.  (To the point of wanting to go home with Sir Aaron if he had been allowed ;-).

Arthur's congratulations are accompanied by those of his loyal serfs, Bella Peregrina, Sighieri Peregrina, and Marco Peregrina.  While we did not have the pleasure of watching Sir Aaron win the day at Crown, we have enjoyed watching Sir Aaron and Sir Britta's progeny at Youth Academy.  Truly do they have big shoes to fill, but truly are they following in their parents' footsteps.

Vivat Sir Aaron's victory!

In servizio, Vale~
Bella Peregrina
on behalf of Arthur Pendragon 

Sent via the WebMail system at tex1.net


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