Cynthia Whitford simonevalery at houston.rr.com
Mon Aug 14 04:48:32 PDT 2006

> That's not answering the question. What is (or are)  the reason(s)
> for the change my lord says the populace are being shut out and not
> getting the answer to the question.

isn't it obvious?  The BoD, in league with the US Government, is in the 
process of subverting our Pennsic forces into fighting the War on Terror. 
Why even as we speak, fighting units are being airlifted to all the major 
airports to provide extra security - all under the cover of "shooting one of 
those Capital One commercials".  But first they had to get rid of the 
chirugeons who might have made trouble by objecting to the plan instead of 
just following orders like our highly-trained fighting forces do.

I'm sure it'll be on Fox News any minute now.


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