[Ansteorra] PENNSIC NEWS BLACKOUT -fwd BoD Chairman

Michael Gunter countgunthar at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 15 10:34:02 PDT 2006

>Something that seems to be even more clear from the BoD Chairman.....  Ah
>the hassles that could have been avoided had they just said, "There were
>incidents" to start with.

But there weren't, there were "a number of incidences" which is MUCH
scarier. I mean, is that like the chirugeons were indecent? Ewww!
Or are they under indictment? Bad..bad...
I'm sure these were very insidious incidences.

Yeah, if MY group had incidences, I'm chuck the whole lot of 'em and
have them replaced with flying monkeys. But, hey, that's just me.


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