[Ansteorra] Laurel's Prize bus?

Ameline DuBois Ameline at generich.com
Tue Aug 22 16:00:14 PDT 2006

Greeting to you all, from Ameline DuBois,
  I am looking to make the journey to Laurel's Prize and I thought I
would see if others wish to ride with me. As Dame Clara pointed out
Laurel's Prize Tourney only happens every two years. It would be a great
opportunity to learn from and talk with others in your field, or just
get out of the house and have fun with friends.
 I would like to leave the driving to others and visit with friends, so
I am asking if there are 30 or 40 others who would like to go with me.
We would leave from Dallas 6:00pm then Fort Worth 7:00pm and could stop
along the way to pick up others.... say in Waco or Austin. Stay over
night in San Antonio 12:00am at a Days Inn eat their continental
breakfast, get to the sight around 9:00 or 10:00 am. Times are *very*
tentative.... The bus has compartments in the bottom to put your A&S
entries so you can display all your things for the event. Enjoy a day of
fun and go home that night after the event. The cost of this trip would
be $55 per person for the bus and $14 per person for 4 people to a room,
or $28 per person for 2 to a room. 

Time is short, think about it will be fun!!! Call or email me privately
to see if we have enough people:

Ameline at generich.com 



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