[Ansteorra] Positve Group Commentary

John Yates valstarr_hawkwind at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 29 17:30:02 PST 2006

How about saying something nice about an SCA group
within the kingdom, and make it a group you've never
been a member of? Something unique that stands out to

As the southeast Oklahoma area has been or is
currently a part of at least three groups, and I'm not
well event-travelled, you folks should have an even
wider circle of nice groups to choose one from.

I'll start with Mooneschadowe. I like the folks I've
met from there, and they have been friendly. They've
made events better I was at. I suppose a unique thing
about them could be their musical talent. Any group
that has Baroness Rhiannon has a gem in their midst.

Who would be next?


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