[Ansteorra] OT - Request for Single Ladies!

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 9 23:59:26 PDT 2006

I have a friend who is overseas who asked 
if I knew some single ladies who would be willing to 
be pen pals for some single men in the various American
Armed Forces who work with him.

My requirements (cause I'm shipping them with some supplies)

1 envelope no larger than 8 1/2 X 5 1/2 per lady
with one of these:
    - 2 sheets of typing paper (or equivalent) and a picture 
    - 3 sheets of typing paper (or equivalent)
    - a card and a picture

I would suggest you include both a mailing address and an e-mail address.

I plan on being at Round Table and Queen's 
and will be shipping soon after Queen's.

This is not restricted to SCA ladies.
If you have a friend who is non-SCA
you may bring her letter to me.

If you cannot make it. There should be some representative of every group at Round Table and Queens. Ask who in your group is going and ask them to
transport your letter to me.

Lorraine DeerSlayer

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