[Ansteorra] Queens/Midsummer?s Masque FAQ
Craig Shupee'
philipwhite at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 14 08:07:50 PDT 2006
Queens/Midsummers Masque FAQ
Ansteorra Queens Champion Tournament and Lindenwoods Midsummers Masque
Saturday, July 29th, 2006, 8am 10pm
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is there a hall on site?
Yes! And good news too since it will be July after all. The hall will be
open all day long and it is air conditioned. It also has indoor bathrooms.
This is where the A&S display will be held, the ball, the sideboards, and
other activities as necessary.
Will the tourney be held indoors?
No. The plan is for the tourney to be fought outdoors. This is why it is so
important to arrive early for armor inspection. Come prepared and make sure
all of your gear is in good order. If it becomes necessary we can make
arrangements to move indoors, but have expectations to fight outdoors.
Again, it is July, so make sure you are physically ready and remember to
drink fluids. The tournament will begin shortly after morning Court.
Will there be room for my pavilion?
Yes and no. There will be room for some pavilions near the tourney fields.
We are setting the field in a wooded area about 50 yards from the hall so
that we can maximize available shade for our combatants. Smaller pavilions
should fit easily within this area. Please expect to be accommodating and
prepare to be flexible with your plans. We still encourage you to show up
in as much pageantry as possible but there could be space limitations. This
will be first come first serve.
What about camping?
No. This is a public park. We only have it for the day. This means set up
in the morning and tear down that night. If you need to make sleeping
arrangements, please contact the steward. Many local persons are willing to
host fighters, dancers, and their guests. We will do out best to accommodate
your needs. Or, just call a friend. There are a number of local hotels. The
website lists a few. They do not have special SCA specific room rates. You
are also encouraged to search for what best fits your needs.
Will I be able to shower/change before the Masque and evening Court?
Yes, you should have time to enjoy a quick dinner with your friends and
change in time to return for the Masque and evening Court. Dancing will not
begin until closer to 7:30 so manage your time wisely. We will be looking
forward to seeing you in all of your finery and what mask you will have to
reflect The Garden.
Did you say shower?
There is not a shower on site. Senter West Recreation Center across the
street does have outdoor facilities at the swimming pool that fighters can
use for a minimal fee.
But then where do I change?
We will have changing rooms inside the hall to accommodate you if you do not
want to leave site.
What about parking?
Parking will be limited directly in front of the Senter East building. You
are encouraged to car pool to help with parking. There is also additional
parking at Senter West Recreation Center and you are discouraged from
parking on the residential streets nearby. We do want to respect the local
neighborhood. If we have overflow issues we will do our best to help you
with transportation between Senter East and Senter West. Practically
speaking they are about four blocks apart.
So about this A&S Display do I need to register?
Nope. This is an informal chance to display your arts with as little
pressure as possible. (And you get to enjoy the AC.) We do really hope to
see a progression of your works. It will be great fun to see where you
started and where you are now. It is *your* display so do with it as you
want. If you want to rock out and really impress people, then make that
your goal. Or, if you want to find ways to improve anything, come prepared
to ask for help. Remember this is primarily a fencing event so the display
is not going to be priority for many people attending. Laurels and Irises
are especially invited to show their beginning works and how they have
developed their proficiency and talents demonstrating different periods of
their knowledge.
Do I need to know how to dance?
Traditionally Lindenwood has a mixed ball of dances that are taught on the
floor and dances that are simply performed. Sure, experience dancing
obviously helps, but everyone is encouraged to have fun. We will announce
which dances are taught and which are not. If you have a request for a
dance, you can always contact me directly.
Should I bring a desert?
Yes! The more you bring the more we will all be able to enjoy! Bring what
you like best to add to the sideboard.
Do you need volunteers?
Sure. If you have free time and want to let us know in advance we will very
much welcome your help. If you find yourself traveling with fighters and
want to spend some of your free time helping out please just let us know
once you arrive and we will find a place for you.
Did you give us bad directions???
Yes! I made a mistake when writing the directions for the Black Star. All
new emails and the website have the correct directions.
Correct Directions: Make your best way to Hwy 183 West of I-35E in Irving,
TX. Exit MacArthur Blvd and turn South. Turn East on Shady Grove Rd. Turn
North on Senter St. Turn East on Senter Valley. Turn South onto Chamberlain
and proceed into park. Physical address: 228 Chamberlain, Irving, TX.
When you turn North on Senter Street you will be tempted to turn left into
the Senter West Recreation Center area. This is *not* where we are holding
the event. Rather, this is the area we may use for over flow parking and
where you may want to shower off. You must take a right (East) onto Senter
Valley and continue on to the event. When you first turn onto Senter from
Shady Grove you should be able to see the event and the park across a flood
way from the road.
I have even more questions! What do I do???
Email or call me. Review the website. Simply ask and we will help you out.
M. Philip White (Craig Shupeé)
1101 S. Thornbush Circle
Arlington, TX
817-313-7575 or
philipwhite at hotmail.com
More information, details, and updates are available at
I am looking forward to seeing everyone and we at Lindenwood are very
excited to host you in our lands. Please expect to have fun and enjoy
Your servant to Command,
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