[Ansteorra] Greetings and news!

Darlene Vandever annescvb at gmail.com
Sun Jul 16 19:31:26 PDT 2006

Greetings Ansteorra from your Kingdom Historian,

I just wanted to announce the successful conclusion of a small project of
mine accomplished with the help of our webminister, HL Chiara. I sent her a
list of URL's to the history pages of every kingdom in the Known World which
have put such pages onto their websites. She placed these into the Links
page on the Historian's site on our website. I found it fascinating to see
what other kingdoms are doing (or not doing) concerning their history using
the  technology of today. I just wanted to share this with you so you could
go and easily access the other kingdom's history without having to search
their sites for their history pages. Their pages were not *always* as
obvious to find as I hope ours are. I hope you are enjoying the site and the
changes as they happen. Please contact me if you have suggestions to make
the site easier to use or ideas to be included. I have dozens of projects
and suggestions and will never get them *all* done but I'll take all the
suggestions I can get!!

I hope you are also remembering to record and save your local history! If
your group doesn't have a historian, remember your chronicler should be
doing this! If I can help you become your group's historian, help you set up
your local history or start a history page for your group's webpage,
*please* contact me! Until then, I remain...

Forever in Service,
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