[Ansteorra] Pennsic war points...

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 25 20:21:14 PDT 2006

Wow...those are pretty sweeping changes.

Does any one know what prompted such changes?


Pug Bainter <pug at pug.net> wrote: Good Morning,

  I don't know if this has been talked about in some of the Pennsic posts or not. For those of you expecting to show up to war and have the same old heavy fighting, think again. There is no castle war point, there are no bridge battles (maybe?) and there is no mountain pass battle.

  Instead there are 2 field battles, a town battle with 'relics', 2 woods
battles, allied champions battle and a broken field battle where there is 30 minutes to build the field for the side with the least points. Combat archery and siege are in more than half the scenerios.

  Target archery is the same old same old. I admit that I've not paid
attention to the rapier points before so I don't know how they have changed. All the details can be found at:



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