[Ansteorra] The real problem . . . Officers

Isobel de Kirkbryde kirkbryde at yahoo.com
Mon May 1 06:22:22 PDT 2006

I agree about not wanting to play politics.  Also, it is about  popularity, not the ability to do the job.  I currently am Deputy  Hospitaler and host a newcomer's meeting on the first Monday of the  month in my home.  In 6 months there have been 2 couples who have  shown -- a seasoned couple who plays in our Barony and ONE new  couple.  
  I believe part of the reason for this is that I am not the "popular"  person and the newcomer's meetings are poorly advertised and it appears  they are almost shunned.
  Also, I have made suggestions I thought were good and helpful to our  Barony for them to grow.  One took just about two YEARS to  percolate through the process, the other has died in the black  hole.  Until people feel welcome, have their ideas at least given  consideration, and you don't become caught in the swirling drain of the  politics of the area the minute you step forward to do something, they  are not going to be enticed to work for the SCA.  
  The group (nationally) has become big and has fractured into factions,  even at the local level.  Being an officer -- heck, even being  willing to fill out an application to be an officer is a real step of  faith. 
  Oh, AND you can't be a Kingdom level officer until you have been a  local officer.  SO, if the winds don't blow the right direction at  home, then working at a higher level becomes impossible.
  Just my thoughts on the matter, for what they are worth. 

Lady Isobel de Kirkbryde
Deputy Hospitaler, Barony of Namron
Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis
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