[Ansteorra] Stolen from the Ealdomerian Lexicon

Marc Carlson marccarlson20 at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 23 20:47:16 PDT 2006

>L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
>I stumbled upon the Ealdomere Lexicon...and found a possibly useful term 
>for our kingdom...
>I know many people who make their own attempt at "as period as they can be"
>without being "period police"....and mybe this might be an easier way to 
>describe them:
>Just So (slang): People who are Just So are those who like to have very 
>historically accurate garb >and/or armour. They are not necessarily 
>Authenticity Nazis.

I'm a little vague on why we need or even want to have such a term.  
Labeling people isn't really a way to be all that inclusive, is it?

Some people like to be as period as they can be, some people aren't that 
interested in such things.  No big deal.


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