[Ansteorra] Social Status

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 29 08:08:50 PDT 2006

--- Susan <catmafia at hughes.net> wrote:

> I think the place I am lost the quickest is on 
> what happens with the children of the nobility, after the land and 
> titles have passed on to the first born-what status do the others
> have? 

That depends on when and where you are.  Not all countries practiced
primogeniture (giving everything to the firstborn, the rest are out
of luck).  For example and *in general*, England practiced
primogeniture and France did not.  The second son of the second son
of a Baron in England learned a trade (although he wouldn't end up as
a peasant; he'd still be gentry).  The second son of the second son
of a Baron in France was still a nobleman and a leech on society.  :)

That being said, in England there was usually *some* provision made
for the children who didn't inherit the lion's share--some small
lands and/or annuities, but not enough to amount to any great
inheritance that you could live off of.

--Serena Lascelles

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