[Ansteorra] What's happening here?

Lisa silvina at allegiance.tv
Thu Sep 21 14:44:18 PDT 2006

What's happening to the SCA?  We have Authenticity Police, but there'll
always be a few of those.  There aren't enough to scare newbies about them
on a regular basis.  Yes, authenticity is nice, but it's not something that
everyone aspires to.  If you're in the SCA for the cookies, then yes you'll
want to be more authentic in your costume as well as everything else, but
that's not everyone's desire.  I'm seeing people telling others how they
should think, dress, act, and what they should do.  I'm seeing groups torn
apart because a choice was made that was not the one everyone wanted.  I'm
seeing people hurting long time friends because of misunderstandings and
unintended slights.  I'm seeing fits thrown over stuff that COULD cause a
problem if someone wanted to push it, but are things that have always been
done and until now have not caused offense.  I'm seeing politics out the
ass, people arguing over stupid stuff and people asking for help being
either blown off or overridden.  When did the SCA become a job, a political
arena, a lawsuit, or a battleground?  I joined the SCA to have fun and learn
about an area/aspect of history I had an interest in.  The SCA is no longer
fun.  I was recently asked why Ren Faires are getting more publicity and
than the SCA.... Look at the lists lately.... you'll see why.

Grow up people and act like the adults you claim to be!

Elizabeta of Rundel

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