[Ansteorra] Love and recognition

Michael Silverhands silverhands at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 26 05:24:57 PDT 2006

One more thing:

On Sep 26, 2006, at 6:24 AM, Michael Silverhands wrote:
> One: how can we determine someone's motives in the first place? We
> can't, really. ...
> Two: what difference does a person's motive make? ...

The conclusion I had meant to drive towards, but forgot (it's hell  
getting old), is to come back to the first point: we *cannot*  
determine with any confidence another person's motives. So it's  
pointless to try, with ambiguous results at best and bad results at  
worst (as Sir Lyonel pointed out).

So... don't worry, be happy. As Gilli put it, "be thankful for what  
folks do, for how ever long they do it". But also be aware in your  
*own* mind that your needs and desires will probably be better served  
if you see to it that the society is well cared for first. So all  
that talk about "honor" versus "glory" is for each of us to apply to  
ourselves as we will... not a means to try to judge one another.

What goes around truly comes around. The society is better served --  
and therefore serves *us* better -- if we contribute to its success.  
And in my experience, if you give freely you somehow get back more  
than you gave. It's a mystery. :-)

Kind regards,

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