[Ansteorra] Talking in court

James Crouchet james at crouchet.com
Mon Apr 30 23:10:24 PDT 2007

Wile I understand your frustration, I can also tell you this just is not
going to happen. People were talking in court long before I joined over
2 and a half decades ago and they are still talking in court. Various
people have ranted and railed about this and at most got some temporary
attention. And the fact is there are plenty of sites and situations
where there is little place else to go.

Rather than pointing the dread finger and flogging people with guilt I
think we would do better to set up some reasonable guidelines. For example:

- If you wish to chat while court is in session then move to the back.
- Keep your voices low.
- More interested parties should move to the front of court and keep quiet.

I think if we find a way to live with what we cannot change then life is
more comfortable for everyone.

Christian Doré

Isobel de Kirkbryde wrote:
> Frankly people talking is one of my pet peeves.  I understand the gift of gab -- have a touch myself.  However, I am hearing impaired and it is hard enough to hear what is going on in court without the competition from the back row talkers.  I'd like to see the talkers leave court, go find a nice corner somewhere and talk.  But, if you are going to be in court, exercise enough chivalry and manners to let others hear even if you aren't interested. 

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