[Ansteorra] Brad Leah Survivor Melee event- Get ready for Gulf Wars, It's never to early

DAFPIG at aol.com DAFPIG at aol.com
Mon Aug 27 13:16:03 PDT 2007

Brad Leah Survivor-
 The shire of Brad Leah is going to host it's fall event- Survivor-were ALL 
the scenarios will be what we will find at Gulf War.  We hope to have a town, 
field, bridge and maybe work on attacking a "widows gate".
This will be a different type of War College/Melee event.  We plan to have 
members of the chiv (or the commanders of the army) in armor, not actually 
fighting but giving hands on instructions during the actual fighting scenarios.  
This will be a great opportunity for everyone to learn exactly what it takes 
to win Gulf!!!!  Drag your comrades and fight.
There will be classes for those who do not take the field, All with a War 
theme.  We hope to have a waterbearing class, a  war camp cooking class and 
And for those of you have the spirit... Sat night we will host Apocalypto 
ball,,  A "war" style dodgeball not for the faint of heart.
Some cabin space is still available.  Please contact Countess Octavia   
_Dafpig at aol.com_ (mailto:Dafpig at aol.com) 
Visit our website for more information  
_http://brad-heah.ansteorra.org/survivor_ (http://brad-heah.ansteorra.org/survivor) 

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