[Ansteorra] hello is there anyone out there

Mahee mahee_of_acre at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 26 05:25:15 PST 2007

Mistress Willow,
    Saturday I was at an event that was a blast. It was called 1001.5 Arabian Nights. We had an "I Dream of Jeanne" look a like contest wond by a 8 year old girl, a Wacky-Tacky-Turban contest won by a man with blinking lights on his turban also known as The Turban-Ator. We had two men in full B-Western garb, who were called into court because they were not in "correct garb." There they presented the Baron with documentation of an episode of "I Dream of Jeanne," where the two male characters were "blinked" into the old west. Feast, cooked by my wife, was absolutely wonderful, Roast of Meat "beef", Shiwa Goat, cardamon carrots... 
    We had guests from Canada, Florida, California, and Oregon as well as many locale middle eastern dancers. All had a really good time. 
    For those not recognizing the event, it was on Steamboat Island, in the Barony of Glymm Mere, in the state of Washington.
  your humble servant,

"willowdewisp at juno.com" <willowdewisp at juno.com> wrote:
  I am not feeling good and I am a little down. Could someone write me about sometime fun that you are doing.
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