[Ansteorra] Texas roads

Chiara Francesca Chiara.Francesca at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 13:41:44 PST 2007

Texas Road Conditions in North Texas, Hwy 75 and 380.

I am in McKinney, technically that is about 30 to 45 minutes from
the OK border depending on what part you are in.

Sherman, which is about 15 - 20 minutes north of my current location
they have freezing rain, this was from a person that walked out of
her office and looked.

It has been raining off and on here and a fog has just now rolled in
to this part of McKinney. Wichita Falls is less than 2 hours away
from here.

If all predictions hold true we will have a freeze tonight and there
will be ice on our roads.

We were planning to leave by 8am from Denton to Wichita Falls. We
will see what happens tonight.


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