[Ansteorra] Central region is having a practice.

Tomas Niallagain siortomas at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 18:01:09 PST 2007

Greetings one and all,

   I have been told there was interest outside our region and asked to post
information to the kingdom list so here it is.

On Saturday FEB 03 the Shire of Rosenfeld will be hosting the Central
regional fighter practice.  This is great gathering of the mighty and
skilled warriors of Ansteorra, whether they hack; thrust; or loose.  That's
right there will be chivalric, rapier, and melee's with archery. The
fighting is planned to start at 10 am.

THE LOCATION:   BSA Troop 543 Scout Hut, 13648 F.M. 206.

 Directions as follows:

>From the Metroplex take Hwy 64 toward Tyler .  Go South on FM 2661 (right).
Turn East (left) onto HWY 31.  Turn South (right) onto FM 206 which is on
the eastern side of the Goodyear Tire Plant.  The Scout Hut will be on the
right just before you get to Spur 364.

>From Waco .  Take Hwy 31 East toward Tyler.  Go through  Chandler.  And
follow the direction above.

>From the South come to Loop 323 in Tyler and go West until you reach Spur
364.  Turn left.  Go past Lindsey Park and Turn right on to F.M. 206.  The
Scout Hut will be the first possible left.

 I remain,

Sior Tomas

Central Regional Knight Marshal

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