[Ansteorra] Sleeping sitting up vs lying down

rurikthered at swordworks.org rurikthered at swordworks.org
Tue Jul 17 12:04:32 PDT 2007

In some cases it is "safer" not necessarily healither (but then again,
better sleep is healthier) . Some mild cases of sleep apnea (when you
actually stop breathing when you sleep) or snoring can be relieved by
sleeping in a more upright position when the cause is when the tongue
actully falls back and blocks the airwy preventing normal air flow....the
Craftmatic adjustable beds are designs for this, a reclined sitting


> Greetings all,
>  I was watching a documentary the other day and something that was
> mentioned
> as a passing comment has bothered me so I thought I'd put it out to
> everyone
> here to see if you have heard of it.
> The documentary was about underground structures and tunnels (Cities of
> the
> Underworld) and they were in a barracks that was built underground in a
> fort
> near Philadelphia (I think). The underground bunker was built
> pre-Revolutionary War and was equipped with bunk beds. The host commented
> that the beds were so short because people were shorter back then. The
> guide
> corrected him and said that it was because people used to sleep sitting up
> because it was "healthier". Sleeping laying down didn't become the
> standard
> until around the late 1800s and early 1900s. That was why the beds were so
> short, not because people were shorter.
> I've never heard that before...has anyone else? I've heard that some
> people
> slept propped up on pillows but I don't think that is any different than
> today.
> Thanks!
> Ysabeau
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