[Ansteorra] August 4th - several events on the Calendar

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 25 11:48:59 PDT 2007

  Just to clarify for all, there are several kingdom and off-calendar events being hosted on August 4th, per the Kingdom Calendar: 
  * Westgate Winter Collegium, 'Bards and Garb' and other classes, is being hosting in the Stargate area (an official event), see site: 
  * Lazy Dragon Con, in the Steppes area, hosted by Steppes with friends from Elfsea and surrounding branches, (a demonstration), see site at: 
  * Laurel's Field Day, a day of classes, hosted by Namron (an unofficial event), see site: 
  * Oh, and not to be forgotten, that far-away war, called Pennsic (an official event), which Ansteorran's for all over will be traveling to, hosted by the kingdom of AEthelmarc, see site at; 
  Please, when making announcements on the list, be specific in the e-mail subject line about *which* event is begin discussed so those wishing to participate can be clear on the details.  
  Thanks,  Hillary

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