[Ansteorra] Who is the best fighter in Ansteorra?

Sir Giotto di Giovanni sirgiotto at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 15:46:44 PDT 2007

Prove that you are the Best Fighter in Ansteorra at Bryn Gwlad's Fall

A tournament for tournament fighters.  No job to do, no titles to hold, no
obligation, no championship, no pass down prizes to return, no throne to
sit.  The winner(s) will receive a fabulous scroll declaring them the Best
Fighter in Ansteorra at Bryn Gwlad's Fall Baronial, an expensive prize, and
the bragging rights that go with being the Best in the Kingdom.

Their will be four separate tournaments divided by rank: Non-belts,
Centurions, Chivalry and Royalty.  Combatants on each of these fields will
fight a best 2 out of 3, double-elimination tournament using fighter's
choice of weapons.  The winners from each of these fields will be declared
The Best Unbelted Fighter in Ansteorra, The Best Centurion Fighter in
Ansteorra, the Best Chivalric Fighter in Ansteorra or the Best Royal Fighter
in Ansteorra at Bryn Gwlad's Fall Baronial respectively.  Each will receive
a scroll, a prize, and great glory.

The two top placing fighters from each field will compete against one
another in a series of final rounds devised by Duke Hoegaarden to determine:

Who is the Best Fighter in Ansteorra at Bryn Gwlad's Fall Baronial?

The prize is worth vying for, the accolades will be great, the renown
legendary, the bragging rights: priceless.

Bryn Gwlad's Fall Faire

September 28-30

Yours in service,

Sir Giotto
Knight Marshal for Bryn Gwlad

We are knights. We are professional killers constrained by a code of conduct
that turns murder into both art and service. -- Duke Cuán MacDaige

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