[Ansteorra] Fighter practice

Sir Giotto di Giovanni sirgiotto at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 15:26:25 PDT 2007

In honor of Duchess Britta taking her first squire, and we just wanted
to, there will be a multi-regional fighter practice in Austin.

Practice will be at 2 p.m. on Saturday June 23rd at Patterson Park in
Austin. http://austinparks.org/apfweb/park.php?parkId=3D306

We'll fight for as long as we can stand it and then have some burgers
and dogs (and Lyonel's fajitas) out at the park.  I'll set up some
pavilions for shade and those that are there and not fighting.
There's also a pool at the park.

Bring along some drinks and chips, etc. to share and we'll make a party of it.

Afterward, we'll pick one of the great night spots in Austin to go
invade and have a few.  Maybe some good blues music or a place to play

Chime in if you're coming,

Sir Giotto

We are knights. We are professional killers constrained by a code of
conduct that turns murder into both art and service. -- Duke Cuán
MacDaige (Atlantia)

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