[Ansteorra] personnas

Jan Van Zandt hejanais at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 14 08:04:25 PDT 2007

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin wrote:
  *The only solution to the unanswerable questions is not to ask them in 
the first place.  This is the literary skill of "willing suspension of 
disbelief", and is necessary for any serious persona in the SCA.

At some point you will have to stop asking the unanswerable (and 
uninteresting) questions and just take on your persona.  The earlier 
you do this, the more authentic your persona can be.  (and the less 
frustration you'll feel.)*
This is the most profound 'persona advice' I've think I have ever heard.  It succinctly expresses my thoughts and feelings on the subject.  Thank you Master Robin.

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