[Ansteorra] Steppes Demo Event

Faelan Caimbeul faelancaimbeul at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 11:27:12 PDT 2007

Greetings to all Ansteorra!

August 3-5 the Steppes will be holding a demo for a local convention here in
McKinney, TX. Why would anyone else be interested in this? Because it's
going to be fun, that's why! We're not doing the same old displays and
talking, we're having melees, lots of melees! Parties and carousing, and all
without a site fee. We will be holding a Blood of Heroes game for heavy and
light fighters, "Save the Damsel" game and a tournament for a beautiful
weapon donated by the convention organizers.

Come one, come all, the more the merrier. Check out the event site for more
information. http://ldsteppes.tripod.com/

Hope to see many of you there!

Faelan Caimbeul
Steppes Demo Coordinator

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