[Ansteorra] the tudors on yahoo

Alix deBohun czarena_unrest at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 29 15:36:41 PDT 2007

It's not historically acurate. I have not seen them as of yet, but it's been discussed at length on the tudor list. It has a fictional uncle being slain and starting war with France, they also combined the lives of Princess Margaret and Pricess Mary Rose married off to the king of Portugal. The dresses I'm told are Elizabethan/Fantasy not Tudor.  The book this show is based off of is Phillipa Gregory's book "The Other Boleyn Girl"- her books are not history either, but she sticks as close to actual events as she can while filling in what we don't know such as motives, emotions and what was said/done behind closed doors - historical fiction though. Please watch this as "alternate history".

Lady Alix deBohun


I think that the best part of the show is definitely
the costuming.  I am also not so sure about the
historical accuracy, although it did please me that it
looks as if they actually used the tennis courts at
Hampton Court to shoot the tennis scene.

End Quote

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