kandace harris
thetexladi at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 8 23:02:04 PST 2007
This line of thought must be STOPPED now, this second. Brain explained it in terms of contestant via contestant. He also explained the law that WE play by.
You took this to a level that is just not true. That is the way "gossip" gets started. For you to imply that this decision to step down was not honorable was a mistake on your part. The fact is, that Duke Patrick Michel and Duchess Julia, I'm sure, gave this decision, much thought and They knew this would be hard for all of Us to accept and understand. And I have never...in all the time I have been playing ... known of Duke Patrick Michel acting in anyway but "Honorable" in this game we all play. For you to even hint at that, is wrong on your part
Bordermarch is working very hard to make this transition as smooth and easy as possible for everyone. This is especially hard on Sir Simonn and Mistress Tessa who have been close personal friends with both of them. However, in true Bordermarch and Ansteorra fashion , Crown Tounament will be done with Honor above anything else. I invite you to come and see. Maybe then you will find the true Honor that is at the heart of this dream we have.
I did not mean to chastise you on the list ....but ...you put it across the list.
Lady Kandyce of Oakclyffe
Stefan li Rous <StefanliRous at austin.rr.com> wrote:
On Nov 8, 2007, at 11:35 PM, Brian O'hUilliam wrote:
> Not a stupid question m'lady- it is, in fact, a reasonable one that
> deserves an answer and an explanation.
> Kingdom Law states that Crown Tourney must be re fought.
> Therefore, just
> appointing the runner-up as Heir would be in violation of the law.
> Or, look
> at it this way: What if one of the fighters that the winner of
> Crown Tourney
> defeated earlier in the list could have beaten the person who came in
> second? They would have won Crown Tourney if the person who had to
> step
> down down had not entered the list and now, they have, essentially,
> had the
> Crown taken away from them.
So, how is this different from a Duke entering Crown list and then
deliberately withdrawing after defeating an individual or individuals
they didn't like or didn't think should be King? For that matter, I
guess any one can do that, but for Dukes this is okay, while for
others it is supposed to be a dishonor.
THLord Stefan li Rous Barony of Bryn Gwlad Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris Austin, Texas
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at: http://www.florilegium.org ****
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It's nice to be Important ...But....It's more important to be nice...Ldy, Kandyce of Oakclyffe
You see, in the final Analysis,...
It was never between you and them...
It's between You and God...
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