[Ansteorra] research papers for A&S

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Sun Nov 11 21:39:53 PST 2007

If you write a research paper for an A&S competition, please keep in  
mind that many people do not get a chance to read your paper  
thoroughly in the, often too few, hours that an A&S competition is  
run. It helps if such papers are submitted ahead of time, at least  
for judging.

But what about the people that would like to read your paper but who  
aren't judges for that event? Or who aren't at that event?

I know, post it to the web!

Don't want to deal with editing the paper and creating a website just  
for your paper or papers? Send it to me for possible inclusion in the  
Florilegium. I am always looking for good, interesting papers that  
will help inform folks about the historic period we study or how to  
do an art form of that time period or those cultures. It can be short  
or long. I have everything from short articles written for local  
newsletters to Master's Thesis.

My standard policy is that the copyright remains with the author and  
I take updates or removal requests :-(. That way you can send me what  
you currently have and as you learn more you can update it. I've had  
people say they won't send me their research paper or documentation  
for a project until it is perfect. Sorry folks, it is never perfect.  
There is always something more to learn. In the meantime, even if it  
isn't perfect, folks can learn from what you've already accomplished.

I also have no problems with something appearing in the Florilegium  
and elsewhere, whether another website or in print. There are  
articles in the Florilegium which were published there first and then  
in Tournaments Illuminated (TI), and there are articles where that  
order was reversed. If I know an article was first published  
somewhere else, such as a local newsletter, I am more than happy to  
add a note give credit to them. If you have your own website where  
you have your articles posted, I am happy to put a link back to your  
site and let people know they can find more articles there.  I'm  
mostly interested in getting useful, interesting info out to where  
people across the Known World can see and use it. And you get the  
advantages of getting your work onto an SCA website with fairly high  
traffic from across the Known World.

If you are thinking of sending an article into TI, send it to me for  
posting in the Florilegium first. Once you get something published in  
TI, or any paper publication, it is difficult to get additions or  
corrections made. On the web, send me the corrected or updated  
article and it can be changed. You may also get some feedback,  
allowing you to clear up points that are unclear to the reader or get  
additional material added before freezing your article and sending it  
for paper publication.

I am also working on a list of article suggestions to be posted in  
the Florilegium. If you have an article idea that you'd like to see  
someone pursue, please send it to me and I'll add it to my list. If  
you would like to write a research paper, but don't have any ideas  
about what you'd like to research, take a look at this list (when I  
get it published :-) ). Or browse through the Florilegium. People  
have told me that they often think of new things to pursue as they  
look through a file looking for info on something else.


On Nov 11, 2007, at 8:56 AM, lambdakennels1 at juno.com wrote:

> I am fairly new, and have a question about doing research papers  
> for A&S.  I have the A&S manual, but it really only covers what is  
> allowable, not what people feel is desirable.  I hear a lot about  
> static and bardic entries, but not much on the research end.  Since  
> I get accused of over documentation, I thought maybe I should enter  
> a few.  How long should they be?  Is it a "as long as it takes"  
> kind of thing, or is there a generally accepted limit?  If an art  
> form starts in say, the 13th century and then reaches its' zenith  
> in the 18th century, do you only cover it to  1600?  Any other  
> pointers?
> Lady Stephanie Lilburn
> Stephanie Smith, Ph.D
> Hunt County, Texas
> Owned by a Poodle and an Australian Cattle Dog

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas           
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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