[Ansteorra] Latin Help
Stefan li Rous
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Wed Nov 21 16:46:05 PST 2007
On Nov 21, 2007, at 11:09 AM, Refr inn draumspaki wrote:
> I have been looking around and rescarching latin so I can put my
> english moto in to latin and need to know if I did it right, so far
> I have come up with "Haud Defluo Addo" If my I am right that should
> translate to "No Lost Cause" but I would like to check before
> tooling this in to my leather. Feel free to let me know if I need
> to change anything.
> In Service to the People,
> Refr inn draumspaki (Fox)
> Talon of House FalconRose
> "Haud Defluo Addo"
A lot things do not translate directly into Latin and vice-versa.
I would recommend running your motto past Mistress Gunnora. As far as
I know, she is not on this list although she can be reached at
gunnora at vikinganswerlady.com
She requests that folks take a look at these two files in the
HERALDRY section of the Florilegium first, to make sure she hasn't
already translated your motto. She also often gives information on
why a motto doesn't translate literally or you may find a similar
motto there that needs only a little change for you get what you
want. So you can learn a fair amount just browsing these files.
mottoes1-msg (113K) 10/25/00 Latin mottoes for SCA use.
mottoes2-msg (80K) 10/25/00 More Latin mottoes and phrases.
Also, please remember that she does this on a volunteer basis and has
other commitments, so it may take her a few days or more to get
around to researching and answering your question.
THLord Stefan li Rous Barony of Bryn Gwlad Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris Austin, Texas
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at: http://www.florilegium.org ****
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