[Ansteorra] Gothic War Rapier Waterbearing Thank Yous
Elizabeth Blackthorne
damsle_n_distress2003 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 9 17:46:14 PDT 2007
I was just informed by an anonomous source that the gentle who took over the Rapier Waterbearing at the Gothic tourney was a lady named Meagan. From what this person told me, she is over due praise because this is a typical thing for her to do. Thank You for your service not only for our Gothic but for all other the events you work so hard at.
L. Elizabeth Blackthorne
Elizabeth Blackthorne <damsle_n_distress2003 at yahoo.com> wrote:
Greetings all,
I would like to thank all those who helped to give our Rapier fighters the gift of hydration at this past Gothic War. First of all, the tourney on Saturday was "all but run" by one of our youths, Bailey son of Tess. He did an outstanding job of doing this. In my experience children his age will work for 20-45 min before they are bored and run off to do other things. This young lad was there from begining to end. Young Bailey, I am impressed and awed by you and know your service will be noticed by more than just I, and you will go far in this "Dream". Toshiro was also very helpful on the light tourney field, he marshalled, fought, and was for a time the only adult waterbearer present. I would also like to thank the person who came down from the Chivalric Melees to assist with waterbearing here. I do not know your name, but you were very appreciated.
On Sunday at the Melee field there was another lady who was instumental in coordinating waterbearing, I have searched the sign in list and cannot find what your name is, but you know who you are and how much your service meant to this event. And to Quill, Mi Lord, your poem inspired all of us waterbearers to continue our efforts to hydrate those who fight for us, Thank You for sharing your gift with us at the Melee field.
For those whose names escaped me, please feel free to post your name on this list or to me privately so that you can get the credit you fully deserve. And one more BIG THANK YOU to HL Marrianna le Faye who ran the refill station, keeping the water full, gatorade made, and pickles, oranges, and watermelon chopped. You did an outstanding job especially having this thrown at you last minute, and totally un organized. It takes a special someone to be willing to miss the main parts of an event to work behind the scenes. If I left you out, I appologize, it's been crazy here.
In Service.
Elizabeth Blackthorne
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