[Ansteorra] patio umbrella "pavillion"
kandace harris
thetexladi at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 12 17:01:58 PDT 2007
I saw one at Gothic about 2 yrs ago .It was nice. He used a metal pole (about 12-18" long) alittle larger ( in diameter) than the Umbrella pole to put into ground for stability and then , depending on how wide you want it , The sides are pulled out and staked down.....It was an easy-up and easy-down... This guy had plenty of room inside. He used a reg. tarp for the floor and I think he used Velcro to make the tarp rise up (on the edges) to meet the side wall. That way, rain couldn't get in. The tarp it self was the kind you'd buy at Walmart. He put brown side up so it looked like dirt floor.Then he just use reg. rugs every where.
My thought was, you could change material to match the weather. Lite cloth for summer and more of a heavy cloth for winter. But it was, as I said,...easy-up ,easy-down, and he did do the O-rings and they were set at the 1st joint in, on the Umbrella so the top over lapped the walls.
Hope this helps ...
Kaitlan Roisendubh <kaitlan_kiera at yahoo.com> wrote:
I saw one on ebay the other day... was bigger than an unbrella but was nice looking.
Kaitlan Roisendubh
Cennet Bahcesi wrote:
How to do it would be relatively easy.
Mount D rings at each of the arms of the umbrella.
Mount a hook on the fabric, which would be cut to length and hemmed.
An extention pole for the umbrella would probably be used, to give it extra
I've seen a couple people with them at Pennsic this past year.
On 9/12/07, Kristi Johnson wrote:
> I recall a couple of years ago I saw a tent that was
> constructed from a patio umbrella and some fabric
> panels.
> I was wondering if anyone remembers who had it or how
> it was constructed. I am interested in doing
> something similar.
> Thanks,
> Kristi J
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