[Ansteorra] [Bordermarch] Battle of the Pines
kandace harris
thetexladi at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 4 13:05:40 PDT 2007
I'm so sorry Rosalinda , but you were everywhere doing so many things ,I didn't know you did feast also. Thank You very much, that feast was wonderful. Those fruit kabob's hit the right spot as we were ready too relax from the days play.
I know everyone had a "Smashing" good time....Love the "Cheese Goo"
Charla Clark <mcharla_2 at peoplepc.com> wrote:
Thank you Kandyce for the compliment, but Lady Rosalinda made the feast. I did help her make the meat pies by deboning chicken for hours and I did make the Savory Toasted Cheese (Cheese Goo). Other than that, all the praise should go to Lady Rosalinda and those who helped her in the kitchen during the day.
----- Original Message -----
From: kandace harris
To: Graywood
Cc: Ansteorra ; Barnoy of Bordormarch
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 8:58 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Bordermarch] Battle of the Pines
Greeting Unto Graywood,
I would like to say that this was one of the most fun events I've been too . Althrough the weather was rather hot , the people of Graywood , Especially Sir Henri, who was the Autocrat and Lady. Rosalinda ( his brave squire helper)...out did themselves.
Sir Henri and Lady Rosalinda were out on the new site just about week-end for months getting this site ready for B.O.P. There were alot of Graywooded that came out to work on site so that all of Us could have a good time . And for their work, everyone had a great time.
It was a very relaxed and harmoness 2 days .There was always many things to do and all in different places that did not over ride the other, but close enough to pick around the corner and see what was happening on the field.
They had a "best death" contest for both Rapier and Chivalric. A silent auction that really did good for the Site up keep and a very nice A&S with some lovely works of art .
We had such a ...Feast....Thank you so much to Mistress Charla for not only the wonderful food but for reviving one of Ansteorra's favorite " Cheese Gue "... If you've never had it , you have really missed something goo_ !!!!
For those that stayed for the after Feast ...feast... at "Barnacle Bills", it is very much alive and doing soooooo good....there was music and mayhem and belly dancing. And for those that went to Barnacle Bills Sunday, end of event get together ....well ...there was this board game,..never mind....
I just want to Thank everyone for letting all of Us have a great time. Can't wait for more Events by Graywood.
Take care all and hope to see y'all soon.
InService Always,
Ldy. Kandyce
tessa <tessa at gt.rr.com> wrote:
From: "tessa" <tessa at gt.rr.com>
To: "BARONY BORDERMARCH" <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2007 18:11:32 -0500
Subject: [Bordermarch] Battle of the Pines
Saturday and Sunday (and Monday for those who attended Monday) at Battle of the Pines were great days in the summer heat where a little shades and a few breezes were most highly appreciated. The event was set to continue through Monday.
The folk of Greywood had worked on their site much as we all work on the site grounds at Jones Country,
to make things "just so" for their event. Many people had shared the load of preparations. One could observe A & S and hear bards and watch all manner of competitions in Greywood, as well a partake of the silent auction for the benefit of site care expenses.
Jolly reunions with many of our good friendly neighbors included a first with Mi'lord Sasha Newby in the Rapier tourney,
giving his all on the list field, and getting acqainted with several of the relatively new new-comers to growing Greywood as well.
So, a day for Newbies went well. :)
All of you would have been highy proud of the way in which Their Excellencies Santiago and Elisabeth, with just a few moments of surprise notice and invitation, were made ready to hold court in Greywood before feast, due in helpful part to the skillful court herald, Mistress Saundra.
Wishing that His Excellency Santiago will produce his rendition of his Travel Journal, as the barony has grown accustomed to reading, I shall not expound further here, other than to say we had a grand time with these good friends and extended familiy
of Greywood at Battle of the Pines 2007.
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It's nice to be Important ...But....It's more important to be nice...Ldy, Kandyce of Oakclyffe
You see, in the final Analysis,...
It was never between you and them...
It's between You and God...
It's nice to be Important ...But....It's more important to be nice...Ldy, Kandyce of Oakclyffe
You see, in the final Analysis,...
It was never between you and them...
It's between You and God...
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