[Ansteorra] Brewing Competition at Steppes Warlord (Reminder)

shark shark75080 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 23 15:53:19 PDT 2008

The Steppes Loose Association of Brewers (SLAB) will be sponsoring a Brewing Competition at Steppes Warlord. On Saturday, you can drop your sample brews off at the competition pavilion (we will have ice/coolers if you need it) and sometime in the afternoon the judging will take place. The contest is open to Beer/Ale, Wine, Mead, and Cider. There will also be a cordial competition. 

I am looking for judges. If you are interested, please email me privately. (You must be 21 or older to judge or share the fruits of our brewing labors!) 

We plan on having prizes and scrolls, but some of this depends on how many compete and what kind of entries folks bring. If we have many competitors, we might have an award for each type; if we have only a few, we may have a best of show. 

Steppes Warlord is May 23-26, 2008. If you brew, we'd love to see you there to compete and help us celebrate Steppes Warlord XXXV! 

In Service,
Lady Susanna Nightegale
on behalf of the SLAB

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