[Ansteorra] Axeman-Nov. 14-16

Karla Norris melisandedf at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 30 05:18:40 PDT 2008

There is a wonderful event in the north, in the Canton of Skorrgardr (Shawnee, OK) known as Axeman.  A great opportunity, as I understand, to throw things (pointy things).  However, that is not the purpose of this missive.
I have been asked by the autocrat, who is also the Canton's A & S Minister to host the Arts and Sciences championship.
In order that the most talented artisans in the Knowne World have a chance to prepare, here are the rules:
1.  It is a Viking themed competiton
2.  It will be a judged competition, using Kingdom A&S judging sheets
3.  It will begin at 11 in the main hall
4.  No limit the # of entries.  Let's get lots of art out there!
5.  At least one page documentation required.  Minimum: description of item, how it was made (technique), materials used and a bibliography.  How is it like what was made in period-how is it different? 
6. If you have bardic or other performance art, please contact me so that we may arrange a time for the judges to listen and watch. 
Of course there will be a lovely prize for the winner.
I am attaching a summary sheet, kindly provided by Mistress Dyan that might be an excellent start for your documentation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 
HL Melisande de Frayne
Northern Regional MOAS
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