[Ansteorra] Bards, Brewers, and Cooks (now with shopping!)

Ulf Gunnarsson ulfie at cox.net
Sun Jan 6 20:31:26 PST 2008

It was brought up on the bardic list a few weeks ago.  There was
excitement and exchange there.  An event that offers performing artists
a chance to perform, giving them time slots to fit the needs of the five
piece performer or the two hour troup. Some workshops or classes mixed
in.  Brewers doing... exactly the same, strangely enough.  And get the
cooks together to teach what each does best and eat the results for
feast. The point is they can show you "when it looks right" instead of
trying to describe it in a recipe.  The brewers can bring some "bad"
stuff (failures) for much the same reason.

These three things: bardic, brewing, and cooking, are very much the
lifeblood of most events. They tend not to compete with one another but
rather savor the results of the other two (plus fellows in their own
field).  Now add a merchant area in the center, allowing shopping while
listening to performers or wandering between classes. The merchants then
get to enjoy everything above as well.

The event does not have to be an indoor event, either, as we have a
number of cooks that have prepared feasts for hundreds on sites with no
kitchens.  Outdoor cooking would be a fine set of classes.

I was originally going to send this to the Bardic List, but this is more
than just them. It was mentioned that this sounds more like a Gather.
Is there a group willing to host such an event?  Could it get the status
of "Kingdom Event" so it would not count against a group's event limit?
Or "Multi-Group"?

Is there enough hard interest to merit holding such an event?

Master Ulf

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