[Ansteorra] Regions and thier population base

Rose & Chad love at roseandchad.net
Tue Jan 15 08:22:59 PST 2008

Yes, but those are the numbers for OKC, not the OKC-Metro Area which includes Moore, Norman, Bethany, Warr Acres, Mustang, etc, etc, etc, etc, on and on and... And while some of those cities are very small, like Warr Acres, some are very large, like Norman... :) I wonder what the numbers would be if we counted them the actual Metro area...
  Rose the Obnoxious

Heck, no! Just over half a million people? Please! In Texas that wouldn't break the top 5, maybe not even the top 10. 520000 is just a minor metropolitan area, MAYBE a medium metropolitan area, but certainly not a major metropolitan area. ; )

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