[Ansteorra] Frankly, Miss Mitchelll, I don't give a damn ;o)

Peter Schorn peterschorn at pdq.net
Sun Jan 27 12:56:02 PST 2008

Message: 4
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 10:52:08 EST
From: Baronman at aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] knights in America

There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South ...  
Here in this pretty world Gallantry took its last bow ...  
Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of
 and of Slave ...  
Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, 
a Civilization gone with the wind. 
Except in Ansteorra 

Baron Bors of  Lothian
Baron Loch Soillier
Malleus et Deus 


Air -" The Fine Old English Gentleman."

Down in a small Palmetto State, the curious ones may find 
A ripping, tearing gentleman of an uncommon kind, 
A staggering, swaggering sort of chap who takes his whiskey straight, 
And frequently condemns his eyes to that ultimate vengeance which a
clergyman of high standing has assured must be a sinner's fate. 
This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time.

He always wears a full-dress coat pre-Adamite in cut, 
With waist-coat of the longest style through which his ruffles jut, 
Six breast-pins deck his horrid front, and on his fingers shine 
Whole invoices of diamond rings which would hardly pass muster with the
Original Jacobs, in Chatham street, for jewels gen-u-ine, 
This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time.

He chews tobacco by the pound and spits upon the floor, 
If there is not a box of sand behind the nearest door, 
And when he takes his weekly spree he clears a mighty track, 
Of every thing that bears the shape of whiskey-skin gin and sugar brandy
sour, peach and honey, irrepressible cock-tail rum, and gum; and luscious
This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time.

He takes to euchre kindly too, and plays an awful hand, 
Especially when those he tricks, his style don't understand 
And if he wins, why then, he stoops to pocket all the stakes, 
But if he loses then he says to the unfortunate stranger who had chanced to
win "It's my opinion that you are a cursed abolitionist and if you don't
leave South Carolina in one hour, you will be hung like a dog." But no offer
to pay his loss he makes. 
This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time.

Of course he's all the time in debt to those who credit give, 
Yet manages upon the best the market yields to live, 
But if a Northern creditor asks him his bill to heed, 
This honorable gentleman instantly draws two bowie knives and a pistol, dons
a blue cockade, and declares that in consequence of the repeated aggressions
of the North and its gross violations of the Constitution, he feels that it
would utterly degrade him to pay any debt whatever; and that in fact he has
at last determined to SECEDE. 
This South Carolina gentleman, one of the present time.

>From "The Union Soldier's Songbook:"  

Cadfan ap Morgan Goddrudd, born in Illinois if you please, or the Land of
Lincoln if you don't ;o)

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