[Ansteorra] "Hey gang--let's put on a show!"

Peter Schorn peterschorn at pdq.net
Wed Jan 9 19:11:28 PST 2008

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 12:48:54 -0600
From: "Jay Rudin" <rudin at ev1.net>
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Bards, Brewers, and Cooks (now with

>"Do you ever get tired of events that are just like all other events?"
>"Yeah!  Now we need to set up some activities for the fencers,and for the 
>rarttan fighters, and don't forget archery, and what about ..."
>"Exactly -- just like every other event."

"...and the school band can provide us with music!"

Yeah, Robin's right.  Let's not add on so many features that, when the event
finally comes off, all we can do is sit there watching it flash "12:00" at


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