[Ansteorra] The Western Region

kandace harris thetexladi at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 11 22:43:59 PST 2008

To all Members in Ansteorra,
     I have been reading and trying to find in the "rules' , "by-laws" and anything thing else that I could read concerning this desolation of the Western Region. There are 4 pages dealing with sanction for 1 person....we are talking about a whole division of people  and I only found 1 paragraph that comes close to addressing this and it really was not about doing away with a Region. In fact, I could not find really anything that states the process for doing this or the reasons for doing this.  
      In looking this up and studying the laws that govern Us, it dawned on me that ...
      You can't have it both ways. If this is a dictatorship, ..fine... then every Crown that becomes Crown needs to make-up their on laws, send it to the people, and then we will follow them as long as they are Crown.
   BUT....."If we as a volunteer group live by Mundane laws and S.C.A. laws then ,We, as a member of this volunteer group have a right to be informed with a 30 day publication notice. This is a Major Change in our Lands. We must speak up. If We do not...then every Shire and Canton should be in a mass panic....because ...You could be next.
    I've tried reading all the post that has gone across the list and ...there were so many of them, but not one of them said .."Oh , this is a good thing to do." So Why is this being done and most important...Why are We ,as a member of the Populace, letting it happen?
    Tomorrow , alot of you will be going to Coronation and most of you who "should" have opted not to go ...but ... for the ones that are going...SPEAK -UP...Make this the topic of any conversation you have . Let everyone know that as a Member of this Volunteer group, your voice needs to be heard and you should get to say yea/nea. You paid (Mundanely) to be a member of this group and why pay good money and have no say so in anything that the "powers that be" decide to do. I mean no offense Unto Their Royal Majesties, I can't believe this is all your decision "only". We all have good friends out there.). Losing Middleford was so sad and so not right...but I tend to get personal about that one.
     Please , let Us know what the problems are. Give your populace a chance to help the Western Region. You Have really good people out there, in all of the Regions, that are problem solvers. Does it really have to dissolved NOW?  Why not get a panel of members 
  started and give them a chance. This is so important. If You all, who ever you are, have already done this, then let Us know the...what/when/where's of you work. But to just drop then????
     I do not agree with this and If it really was "middle ages" times....( this opinion would be an "off -with -your- head" opinion) However, someone is giving a lot of land away...Have any of y'all seen a sunset in the west....Gone to Gothic Wars....visited with any of the populace of the Western Region?... I'm a 4th. generation born-and-bread Texan and you're giving My land away and I have friends that still live on that land out there. And I love Gothic Wars.....
     The tears of Ansteorra have started to fall...but tonite, I shall rest... 
      for I will need to be strong tomorrow.
   Love to you all,
  Lady Kandyce Of Oakclyffe

                  It's nice to be Important ...But....It's more important to be nice...Ldy, Kandyce of Oakclyffe 
  You see, in the final Analysis,...
  It was never between you and them...
                                      It's between You and God...                                   

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