[Ansteorra] The Responsibility of Awards

Lord Pooky lord_pooky at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 27 22:29:19 PST 2008

Blessings of Love unto my Kingdom,

New Topic(s):

The line I remember most deeply when I have received an award is " ... and responsibilities there to appertaining."

I was wondering what responsibilities are expected in the types of awards / recognition we receive?

Let's start with what I am familiar with AoAs, Sable Thistles, Baronial service awards, Sable Cranes, Compass Roses. I imagine that different Orders already have an idea of the responsibilities their members should uphold. I imagine there is expected to be some individual interpretation of responsibility but I think there oughta be some idea shared as to what you should do if you are a member of an Order.

We should all have a responsibility to be courteous to each other and that would be a reflection of what is necessary in any positive society. What about mentoring?

For examples
Is it expected that those with an Award of Arms teach courtly manners?
Is it expected that Thistle holders teach their art?
Is it expected that those with service awards show others how to be helpful?
Is it expected that those of the Order of the compass rose show others how to create this society to be interesting and inclusive for youths?

So I might be asking how should each of us be a resorce to our fellow SCAdians.

If I think/overlay this query geographically

We have Baronies and Regions with solid membership numbers. How can the people in those places lead and guide other areas to promote membership? Incipient cantons and shires have 2 to 3 handfuls of people who participate in our society and are eager participants. What can the people in groups with solid track records do to help really interested people get mundane folk to want to be and participate with us?

My theory on the SCA has been: there are lots of people in Oklahoma and Texas. We want them to join our organization. We have an office designed to help familiarize people with our society, it is called Hospitaller.

Some Baronies and a Province have successful hospitaller programs that seem to easily help people make the transition into our society. What can those groups do to share their knowledge with groups who want to have bunches of members and need the knowledge to get people to join?

As always just thinking in ink,
Deputy Hospitaller for the Hard Working Canton of Skorrogardr
Loving Friend of the Incipient Canton of Chemin-Noir the vivifiers of my DREAM

P.s. In my sometimes humble opinion if a Canton, Shire, Barony, or Region have trouble making it the onus of responsibility rests in each and every one of our hands and smiles. Specifically, my own.

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