[Ansteorra] Waterbearing Issue

Emeline de Neville emelinedeneville at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 17 14:38:07 PDT 2008

The intent of this rule change is to keep us from having to follow state by state mandated sanitation and licensing requirements.  It is the same reason there are no official Feast-o-crat/Cook officers.

Nothing will change, waterbearing will simply go back to being a craft and not a sanctioned activity with officers.  Those in the know that have been doing a fabulous job will share their craft with others, so we can all stay safe, hydrated and healthy.  Waterbearers will still be thanked, blessed and offered marriage proposals for their good deeds.

Groups provide for the comfort of their guests at events.  Sometimes with pavilions, restroom facilities, porta-privies, showers, ant-killer, wasp-spray, toilet paper, paper towels, dishwashing facilities, cabins, picnic tables, folding tables, folding chairs, trash cans, trash bags, side-boards, cookies, flowers, whatever ever they can find, afford, rent or own.  Having waterjugs, bottles, trays, bowls, towels, water and whatnot is just being a good host, it doesn't have to be regulated.  And if volunteers choose to get organized and make use of these items, it's just what we in the SCA do.

Emeline Neville


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