[Ansteorra] Calontir waterbearing

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 25 14:13:22 PDT 2008

> Though I was quite taken aback by the contact
> water-bearing, I surmise that
> Calontir's culture of camaraderie and esprit de corps
> lends itself to such a
> practice. I will definitely be going back, though I will
> take steps to
> insure my own water. :-)
> Baron Armand Dragonetti

My understanding is that Calontir is determined not to offer ONLY non-contact waterbearing, in deference to the fighters who have closed face helms and couldn't get the squirt-tops in to a mouth opening that didn't exist or was too small. They offer both choices, and I can understand that.  

The thought is that it's the fighters choice to use contact or non-contact, and the fighter knows the consequences of that choice.  But, as a waterbearer, Calontiri are going to get the water into the fighter, whichever choice was made.  So, they still offer contact waterbearing (with a plastic straw to slurp up the water though the face plate) AND non-contact.   

If at Lillies this year they only offered the one (non-contact), then that's wrong.   


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