[Ansteorra] Nordsteorra

george basore murray_kinsman at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 20 06:08:23 PDT 2008

To all Gentles in the Northern Region of Ansteorra,
AKA Nordsteorra, yes, I am aware of the fact that this
missive opens a "proverbial" can of worms, but that
cannot be helped.

 I am, of course, referring to the reopening of the
ongoing debate on the subject of creating a
Principality of Nordsteorra.
  Before you all go screaming into the night, hear me
out. I am NOT proposing an eventual split from
Ansteorra. One need only look as far as An Tir to see
a kingdom with 4 principalities, thus easing the
administrative AND financial burden on the Royal
couple, and not showing any desire to become their own
kingdom. I am proposing a permanent administrative
subdivision to ease such a burden here.
  To any who doubt my motives, I offer this evidence
of my intent. One look at me on my mobility power
chair should be evidence enough that I harbor no
desire to wear a crown; I am ineligible to become a
  As to my loyalty to Ansteorra, let me point out that
our Kingdom has a Royal Navy once more because, with
Crown Authority, I rebuilt the navy. I am Lord Admiral
Robert Haddock, Ansteorran Royal Navy, Retired.
  I am VERY proud to have been part of the ARN, and I
am absolutely a subject of the Kingdom of Ansteorra.
  Let us look at the overall situation in our kingdom.
We have a large area for the royals to cover during
their 6 months on the throne.  As if that in and of
itself is not daunting enough, travel costs are
skyrocketing out of sight in this era of $3.00+ a
gallon gasoline prices.
  Basically that means out of 6 months on the throne,
just about every weekend, the royals are on the road
at separate events, in an effort to show royal
presence. That is a lot of road time, as well as a lot
of money expended.I propose to ease the Royal burden.
  This will solve several problems.
  1)  The Royals will not be run as ragged by the
massive miles traveled, nor will they be quite so
impoverished by it, because the burden will be
lightened by being shared.  
  2)  Due to the above points more people are likely
to try for the crowns, thus we will have new blood
moving in to positions of authority.
  3)  The northern region will not feel under
represented, as we will have the Prince and Princess
to welcome into our midst, thus, greater crown
  4)  With the dissolution of the western region, and
the resultant expansion of the north by absorbing part
of that area, the situation is now MORE in need of a
solution, and I, for one think this is the best
  I realize that there is much to do to create a
Principality, many steps to be taken, and I am here to
be part of the process. However, the FIRST step must
be this discourse that I am opening, because we must
have a consensus of the populace before anything else
can be started.
 What say you Ansteorrans is it time to crown a
Northern Prince and Princess?
  I say,  YEA! 'Tis time!

  In Service, I am and remain,
 Lord Admiral Robert Haddock, ARN, Ret.
  True and loyal subject of the kingdom of Ansteorra

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