[Ansteorra] History

Jay Rudin rudin at ev1.net
Wed May 7 14:09:59 PDT 2008

Tivar wrote:

> Personally, I like the mindset that Duke Cariadoc uses: someone from a 
> different time or place than yourself is probably a traveller from a far 
> place, with ways different from our own. While I happen to know that it's 
> the late 1580s, and Queen Elisabeth is on the throne, the traveller may 
> be using a different calendar and think it's 1065 and some guy named 
> Harold is king where he comes from. Alternatively, we're *both* travllers 
> in an amazing land called Ansteorra where the local calendar says it's AS 
> 43 and Aaron and Vanessa rule the land.

Elizabethan tourneys often had grand panoply, in which fighters would dress 
as Arthurian knights, Turkish pirates, etc.  Also the fields were often too 
muddy for horses , so the only combat was on foot.

As far as I'm concerned, you're all Elizabethans, bringing your pageantry 
to this Elizabethan tourney.  I expect to see people in costumes from a 
bewildering host of times and places (often wildly inaccurate), with 
romantic notions of Arthurian ideals, all speaking modern English and 
treating each other like fellow countrymen.

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin 

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