[Ansteorra] ISO: coronation crash space...

Haraldr Bassi ansteorra at haraldr.drakkar.org
Thu Oct 30 13:33:26 PDT 2008

I am in need of crash space for Friday and Saturday of Coronation. It will be at least my wife 
and I. Due to some health issues, we would need a bed off the floor in a non-smoking home. 
Preferences would go to places with friendly 'rental' cats.

I might have one or two other Bjornsborgers traveling with me, but am unsure at this time.

Knowing that I would be able to get crash space would allow me to register for Coronation & 
Feast in advance.

I thank you all in advance for whatever assistance you may be able to offer.

Haraldr Bassi, Bjornsborg

Emma Haldan wrote:
> ACCEPS is available for Coronation and evening Feast reservations until
> October 31, 2008
> https://acceps.ansteorra.org/index.php
> Coronation Website Link: http://steppes.ansteorra.org/coronation/

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