[Ansteorra] The William Blackfox Web Awards - A.S. 42

Kingdom Webminister vscribe at ansteorra.org
Sun Sep 28 22:16:58 PDT 2008

(yes, I know we are in 43 ... these are for the society year 42)

>From the Society Webmaster:

I would like to start by saying "Thank you" to everyone who took the time to
nominate people for their hard work.

The decision process was a difficult and lengthy one as there were many
excellent sites to review. Many strict criteria were used when comparing
sites. Sometimes it came down to a person's personal preference. Just
because one site was recognized does not mean that all sites were not
deserving of recognition and commendation for all of the work put into
design and maintenance. However, in the end, only one could be chosen.

If the maintainers of these sites or their Kingdom supervisors will contact
me directly, I would like to provide the details on how the Blackfox symbol
may be displayed on their site.


Don Thomas Dudley
Society Webminister

Without further ado...

Honorable Mention
**Kingdom of Ansteorra College of Heraldry (HL Alasdair MacEogan)**

Best Content
(recognizes excellence in content appearing on a local website) 
MiddleWiki - Encyclopedia, Glossary, and FAQ for the Middle Kingdom 

Special Interest
(recognizes guild websites, research websites, and Arts & Science focus
Kingdom of Atlantia Squires' Website 

(for custom artwork on the main page of the website) 
Kingdom of the Outlands College of Scribes 

(for using advanced technology to provide value added services to the
**Ansteorra Credit Card Event Payment System (Master Rhodri ap Gwythyr) **
Kingdom of Atenveldt 

(for the most easily navigated website in balance and style) 
Shire of Misty Highlands (Æthelmearc) 

Best Overall
(the website which best meets the needs of the local group for which it is
published. It should accurately reflect the status of the group and be a
valuable tool for growth and promotion of the SCA goals and ideals) 
Kingdom of Atlantia Rapier Marshal

------------ end of forward ----------------

HE Chiara Francesca
Kingdom WebMinister, Ansteorra

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