[Ansteorra] Conflict at the Faire Thank you

Elisabeth B. Zakes kitharis at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 07:03:33 PDT 2009

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 08:33, Terri Hirling <thirling at gmail.com> wrote:

> We owe hugh debt of gratitude and praise to the "brute squad" who
> loosed numerous carts from the mire: Orazio de Assisi, Lord Stephen
> Crowley,
> Don Charles E’Alsale, Lady   Vyolante de Uporto, Amy Lee of
> Ravensfort, Lenoine de Gascony, Conn MacFarlane, Lord Madog of
> Glastonbury, Don Tristan von Heidelberg, Lord Bastian Eisengart, and
> especially Don Robert McPharlan who pulled HE Ihon out of a very deep hole
> :-) (Deeper even than his mouth usually gets him).

I would like to add Logan Ambrose to the Brute Squad list, who, along with
his wife Rosalind Moondragon and daughter Artemis, was visiting from the
Kingdom of Northshield.

Aethelyan Moondragon
Bryn Gwlad

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