[Ansteorra] Google Books Settlement

lambdakennels1 at juno.com lambdakennels1 at juno.com
Wed Apr 22 12:18:28 PDT 2009

I am posting this here because many of us have advanced degrees and/or write for publication. Google decided to scan all the books in the world and make them available to everyone.  They forgot about copywrite laws, however.  A group of writers sued, and now there is a settlement.  If you have a master's thesis, dissertation, or book, it is probably included.  Go to www.googlebooksettlement.com and see.  My master's thesis and dissertation were listed, so I registered. Not only is this settlement going to provide a small payment to those whose books were used without permission, it will set up a copywrite database where you can license those rights more easily.  Of course, the cash available is after the lawyers take their share off the top, then divided by the number of works registered, so you won't be able to live it up with your share, but something is better than nothing.
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