[Ansteorra] OT Hair coverings...

Laura Jean Betenbaugh periodwarhorse at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 23 13:25:58 PDT 2009

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October of 2007. My hair at that time was down below my waist. Rather than wait for it to fall out in bit and pieces, I had it cut short. When I did this, I had it tightly braided into 2 braids, Banded at the top and bottom, then cut above the top band. I took the resulting hair ropes, bound and sewed the cut ends together as tightly as I could, then dipped them in tool dip, and sewed them into a pretty little bonnet/hat. When I went to an SCA event, I would wear this, and I had hair. My hair is grown back, but is still short, and now it is curly. I still wear my instant hair at events. I don't know if this helps or not.... Tell her to be strong, and don't give up.

HL Lorraine Fraser


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